Interest in canine massage and physical therapy has grown as greater emphasis is placed on the general fitness and agility of dogs, as pets and as sporting animals.In this book the authors are concerned with the prevention, management and treatment of movement and allied disorders. It encompasses detailed assessments, treatment programmes that invo
Additional ISBNs: 184076144X, 0429157487, 9781840761443, 9780429157486, 1840766093, 1299384838, 1482261731, 9781840766097, 9781299384835, 9781482261738
Physical Therapy and Massage for the Dog 1st Edition is written by Julia Robertson; Andy Mead and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Physical Therapy and Massage for the Dog are 9781840766097, 1840766093 and the print ISBNs are 9781138324190, 1138324191.
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