Julien’s Primer of Drug Action continues to evolve side by side with the field it covers providing a thoroughly up to date look at psychotherapeutic and recreational drugs, including the latest research and the newest formulations. The thoroughly updated 14th edition features: New coverage of opioids of abuse, and drugs used to treat of opioid dependence and opioid overdose. New research on the use of marijuana to treat Alzheimers, PTSD, and Epilepsy. New coverage of pharmacological, physiological, and psychoactive effects of synthetic marijuana including its toxicity. New research on Cannabidiol (CBD) and its therapeutic uses New research of the efficacy of antipsychotics to treat dementia, Parkinson’s, bipolar, OCD, PTSD, New research on hallucinogenics for the treatment of various disorders including MDMA for the treatment of PTSD, Psilocybin for treatment of depression and end-of-life anxiety, and Ayahuasca to treat psychiatric disorders The use of genetic testing to predict effectiveness of antidepressant treatment New research on the use of ketamine for the treatment of depression
Additional ISBNs:
9781319015855, 1319015859, 9781319200541, 1319200540
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