Implement a more constructive approach to difficult studentspiLost and Found/i is a follow-up to Dr. Ross Greene’slandmark works, iThe Explosive Child/i and iLost atSchool/i, providing educators with highly practical, explicitguidance on implementing his Collaborative ProactiveSolutions (CPS) Problem Solving model with behaviorally-challengingstudents. While the first two books described Dr. Greene’spositive, constructive approach and described implementation on amacro level, this useful guide provides the details of hands-on CPSimplementation by those who interact with these children every day.Readers will learn how to incorporate students’ input inunderstanding the factors making it difficult for them to meetexpectations and in generating mutually satisfactory solutions.Specific strategies, sample dialogues, and time-tested advice helpeducators implement these techniques immediately./ppThe groundbreaking CPS approach has been a revelation forparents and educators of behaviorally-challenging children. Thisbook gives educators the concrete guidance they need to immediatelybegin working more effectively with these students./pulliImplement CPS one-on-one or with an entire class/liliWork collaboratively with students to solve problems/liliStudy sample dialogues of CPS in action/liliChange the way difficult students are treated/li/ulpThe discipline systems used in K-12 schools are obsolete, andaren’t working for the kids to whom they’re most often applied#8211; those with behavioral challenges. iLost and Found/iprovides a roadmap to a different paradigm, helping educatorsradically transform the way they go about helping their mostchallenging students./p
Additional ISBNs: 9781118898574, 1118898575, 9781118898659, 1118898656
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