This workbook was written for students of epidemiology and serves as a supplement to any one of several introductory text books in epidemiology. Each chapter is divided into an introduction, a series of questions and detailed responses, and a series of Homework questions. At the end of each chapter is a table with a list of selected epidemiology text books with accompanying chapters in those books that the workbook chapter may supplement. The general learning outcomes (LOs) for this workbook are: 1.tBecome familiar with basic concepts and definitions commonly used in epidemiology2.tDefine a public health problem3.tIdentify appropriate uses and limitations of data and research design strategies for solving public health problems 4.tMake relevant inferences from quantitative and qualitative data 5.tDistinguish between statistical association and cause-effect relationships6.tMeasure and describe patterns of disease incidence, prevalence, and mortality 7.tIdentify environmental factors and behaviors associated with health-related states or events 8.tBe familiar with the steps for investigating disease outbreaks 9.tIdentify, calculate, and interpret common indices used in identifying the health status 10.tEvaluate program effectiveness 11.tCritically assess epidemiological research 12.tBe able to communicate health findingsEach chapter features:#8226;t10-20 mastery check questions with detailed answers #8226;t5 optional problems#8226;tA case study#8226;tA multiple choice, short answer quiz. (Answers to the cases and quizzes are provided as part of the online instructor resource package.)
Additional ISBNs: 9780763786748, 0763786748, 9781284177374, 1284177378
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