With 19 chapters organized into five units, BUILDING A SPEECH, 8th EDITION guides students through the step-by-step process of developing public speaking skills through observation, peer criticism, personal experience and instructor guidance. Readings and exercises help students draft informative and persuasive speeches and improves their research and speechwriting skills. Topics such as apprehension and listening help students realize that they are not alone in their struggle to find the confidence to speak in public. BUILDING A SPEECH is grounded in the philosophy that students can master the steps of speech construction when provided with a caring environment, clear direction, and creative examples. Plus, this new Eighth Edition of BUILDING A SPEECH — A Cengage Advantage Book — continues the tradition of providing proven texts at lower prices.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Additional ISBNs: 1133973841, 9781133973843, 9781133345763
Cengage Advantage Books: Building a Speech 8th Edition is written by Sheldon Metcalfe and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Cengage Advantage Books: Building a Speech are 9781133709770, 113370977X and the print ISBNs are 9781111348373, 1111348375
Cengage Advantage Books: Building a Speech
$69.49 $17.37
SKU: 9781133709770
Categories: Media Studies, Social Science
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