This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For introductory courses in hospitality. Empower tomorrows hospitality leaders Exploring the Hospitality Industry(Subscription), 4/e fills a vital need: to broadly cover the hospitality industry and provide a dynamic introduction for hospitality management students. More practical than theoretical, the text addresses the latest trends across hospitality segments from the traditional realms of tourism, hotels, and restaurants, to growth areas such as event management. The 4th edition examines the latest careers, operations, and management principles within each featured segment. Drawing on new learning outcomes, it analyzes the industrys newest developments and challenges, while refreshing content to reflect ever-evolving roles and practices
Additional ISBNs:
9780134744919, 0134744918, 9780134744964, 0134744969
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