Your Definitive High Angle Rope Rescue Guide! The fourth edition of High-Angle Rope Rescue Techniques: Levels I & II provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of high-angle rescue, including planning, PPE and equipment, medical considerations, evacuations, and special rescue operations. Based on the 2013 edition of NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications, High-Angle Rope Rescue Techniques: Levels I & II provides a broad overview of all rescue techniques to meets the needs of fire service, search and rescue, and many other rope rescue professionals. The fourth edition has been updated to include: Coverage of new protective equipment, terminology, rescue products, and techniques. All new Skill Drills that provide step-by-step instruction on how to execute important skills and procedures. Separation of High-Angle Rope Rescue I and II Level content throughout the textbook and instructor resources.
Additional ISBNs: 1284026957, 128402363X, 1284026965, 9781284026955, 9781284023633, 9781284026962, 1284089827, 128408972X, 1284150682, 9781284089820, 9781284089721, 9781284150681
High Angle Rope Rescue Techniques: Levels I & II 4th Edition is written by Tom Vines; Steve Hudson and published by Jones & Bartlett Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for High Angle Rope Rescue Techniques are 9781284089820, 1284089827 and the print ISBNs are 9781284026955, 1284026957
High Angle Rope Rescue Techniques
$65.62 $16.41
SKU: 9781284089820
Categories: Fire Science, Technology & Engineering
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