This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Now significantly expanded and fully updated, IN FORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS, 4/e is the ideal information technology primer for readers working in any healthcare field, including allied health, nursing, medical/dental/pharmaceutical assisting, or medical administration. It fully addresses each key issue in contemporary healthcare IT, including the accelerating migration towards electronic health records. New coverage includes: smartphones, tablets, and their healthcare applications; the role of healthcare reform in promoting health IT; EHR meaningful use criteria; new practice management scheduling software; the growth of telemedicine; new problems in public health; interventional radiology; surgery-related nanotechnology; information-related biotech and pharmaceutical trends; expanded applications in psychiatry and rehabilitation; genetic privacy; and much more.
Additional ISBNs: 9780132897648, 0132897644, 9780133100495, 0133100499
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