How can we structure class time efficiently? How can we explain and lecture effectively? How can we help students master content? How can we make learning more real and lasting?
In this revised and greatly expanded 2nd edition of Inspiring Active Learning, educators Merrill Harmin and Melanie Toth provide answers to our fundamental teaching questions and show us how to transform our classrooms into communities of active, responsible learners. The authors present an array of research-based, teacher-tested strategies for managing our everyday responsibilities–from beginning a class to grading homework, from instructing large groups to promoting diligent seatwork, from motivating slackers to handling disrupters. These strategies focus on mutual respect, not bossiness; collaboration, not isolation; commitment to learning, not fear of failure; and the dignity of all, not praise or rewards for a few.
Regardless of our level of experience or the grade or subject we teach, the active-learning approach helps us
* Perform routine teaching tasks more easily.
* Discover a higher level of teaching success and personal satisfaction.
* Establish a class climate of full participation and cooperation.
* Prepare engaging lessons that keep students productively involved.
* Encourage students to work energetically, willingly, and intelligently each day.
* Inspire all students, even the most challenging, to strive for excellence.
With its detailed classroom examples and more than 250 practical strategies, Inspiring Active Learning is a comprehensive reference for solving almost any teaching problem.
Note: This product listing is for the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of the book.
Additional ISBNs: 1416601554, 1416605169, 9781416601555, 9781416605164
Inspiring Active Learning 2nd Edition is written by Merrill Harmin; Melanie Toth and published by ASCD. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Inspiring Active Learning are 103113E4, 9781416605164, 1416605169 and the print ISBNs are 9781416601555, 1416601554
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