This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional, 6/e,helps beginning education students make informed decisions about becoming a teacher and ensures that they have an up-to-date picture of the ever-changing face of education. Issues in reform, in diversity, and professionalism in day to day teaching situations are emphasized throughout the text. Cases, classroom examples, videos, and interactive applications bring topics to life, allowing students to better relate to, understand, and apply the material. To keep readers informed about the constantly changing education profession, the Sixth Edition includes new topics and significant updates about important developments in education. The most interactive and applied text in the field, Introduction to Teaching keeps prospective teachers actively involved in their learning and provides a realistic look at the world of teaching
Additional ISBNs: 9780134026404, 0134026403, 9780134028323, 0134028325
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