A must-read book on the quantitative value investmentstrategy pWarren Buffett and Ed Thorp represent two spectrums ofinvesting: one value driven, one quantitative. Where they align isin their belief that the market is beatable. This book seeks totake the best aspects of value investing and quantitative investingas disciplines and apply them to a completely unique approach tostock selection. Such an approach has several advantages over purevalue or pure quantitative investing. This new investing strategyframed by the book is known as quantitative value, a superior,market-beating method to investing in stocks./ppiQuantitative Value/i provides practical insights into aninvestment strategy that links the fundamental value investingphilosophy of Warren Buffett with the quantitative value approachof Ed Thorp. It skillfully combines the best of Buffett and EdThorp#8212;weaving their investment philosophies into a winning,market-beating investment strategy./pulliFirst book to outline quantitative value strategies as they arepracticed by actual market practitioners of the discipline/liliMelds the probabilities and statistics used by quants such asEd Thorp with the fundamental approaches to value investing aspracticed by Warren Buffett and other leading value investors/liliA companion Website contains supplementary material that allowsyou to learn in a hands-on fashion long after closing the book/li/ulpIf you’re looking to make the most of your time in today’smarkets, look no further than iQuantitative Value./p
Additional ISBNs: 9781118328071, 1118328078, 9781118420003, 1118420004
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