The definitive reference book with real-world solutions you won’t find anywhere elsepiThe/i iBig Book of Dashboards/i presents a comprehensive reference for those tasked with building or overseeing the development of business dashboards.pComprising dozens of examples that address different industries and departments (healthcare, transportation, finance, human resources, marketing, customer service, sports, etc.) and different platforms (print, desktop, tablet, smartphone, and conference room display) iThe/i iBig Book of Dashboards/i is the only book that matches great dashboards with real-world business scenarios.pBy organizing the book based on these scenarios and offering practical and effective visualization examples, iThe Big Book of Dashboards/i will be the trusted resource that you open when you need to build an effective business dashboard.pIn addition to the scenarios there’s an entire section of the book that is devoted to addressing many practical and psychological factors you will encounter in your work. It’s great to have theory and evidenced-based research at your disposal, but what will you do when somebody asks you to make your dashboard ‘cooler’ by adding packed bubbles and donut charts?pThe expert authors have a combined 30-plus years of hands-on experience helping people in hundreds of organizations build effective visualizations. They have fought many ‘best practices’ battles and having endured bring an uncommon empathy to help you, the reader of this book, survive and thrive in the data visualization world.pA well-designed dashboard can point out risks, opportunities, and more; but common challenges and misconceptions can make your dashboard useless at best, and misleading at worst. iThe Big Book of Dashboards/i gives you the tools, guidance, and models you need to produce great dashboards that inform, enlighten, and engage.
Additional ISBNs: 9781119282716, 1119282713, 9781119282730, 111928273X
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