THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS is the #1 text for this course — setting the standard by delivering comprehensive, authoritative, and cutting-edge coverage in an interesting and accessible format. Its recipe for success includes the same “”black letter law”” flavor as its market-leading counterpart, BUSINESS LAW by Clarkson, Miller, and Cross, but with a specific focus on current topics such as ethics, government regulation, and administrative law. The cases, content, and features of the exciting new Eighth Edition have been thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in the business law environment. An excellent assortment of included cases ranges from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions, and ethical, global, and corporate themes are integrated throughout. In addition, numerous critical-thinking exercises challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to real-world issues, and the text offers an unmatched range of support materials — including innovative online teaching and learning resources. It’s no wonder that THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS is used by more colleges and universities than any other legal environment text.
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Additional ISBNs: 1133465889, 1285655699, 9781133465881, 9781285655697, 9781111546595
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases: Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues 8th Edition is written by Frank B. Cross and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases: Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues are 9781133170419, 1133170412 and the print ISBNs are 9780538453998, 0538453990. Save up to 80% versus print by going digital with EtextZone. Additional ISBNs: for this eTextbook include 1133465889, 1285655699, 9781133465881, 9781285655697, 9781111546595.
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases: Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues
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SKU: 9781133170419
Categories: Business & Economics, General
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