This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Welcome to Culinary School: A Culinary Student Survival Guide is a must-read for every student in a professional culinary school or college-level culinary program. Welcome to Culinary School: A Culinary Student Survival Guide, 2/e delivers exactly what students need to know to thrive in culinary school and succeed in the culinary industry. More than a book on culinary jobs and certification requirements, it outlines a realistic blueprint of how to get more out of school, enhance ones credentials, and find a rewarding position within the field. A motivational tone and all new interviews help readers relate to the material and get the most up-to-date industry insight. Enhanced Suggested Tasks encourage readers to develop study skills, credentials, and strategies that will yield the ultimate goalsuccess in the culinary field. New content in the Second Edition includes: culinary environmental stewardship, using the internet for research, self-promotion through social media, portfolio creation and usage, updated culinary certification requirements, the impact of changing technology, and additional career paths. New PowerPoints help instructors lead their classes more easily. A must-read for every student in culinary school or a college-level culinary program, Welcome to Culinary School helps students succeed in and out of the classroom.
Additional ISBNs: 9780134185651, 013418565X, 9780134186306, 0134186303
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