Learn to calculate drug dosages safely and accurately! Math Calculations for Pharmacy Technicians, 3rd Edition helps you master the competencies required by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). Designed specifically for Pharmacy Technicians, this practical worktext simplifies key calculation concepts and lets you work through hundreds of practice problems. Coverage includes a review of basic math skills, conversions between measurement systems, interpreting drug labels and physicians’ orders, and calculating medication dosages based on a patient’s age or body weight. The worktext format distills complex content into easy-to-understand concepts and calculations. Math Calculations for Pharmacy Technicians helps you develop the competencies you’ll need for a successful career as a Pharmacy Technician.
- Hundreds of practice problems throughout covering calculations, conversions, and measurements.
- Step-by-step examples to break down complex equations and formulas into simple building blocks.
- UNIQUE! Body system icons next to medication names to help students associate different drugs with their respective disorders and body systems.
- Chapter pretests and posttests to help students assess comprehension and areas of strength and improvement.
- Key terms with definitions and in-text highlights, accompanied by a handy back-of-book glossary for reference.
- Tech Notes with helpful advice on handling real-life situations in the pharmacy.
- Tech Alerts to warn against common pharmacy and medication errors that could impact patient safety.
- Review of Rules at the end of each chapter to summarize key equations and formulas.
- NEW! Enhanced coverage of chemotherapy and TPN (total parenteral nutrition) calculations.
- NEW! Appendix with additional exercises in a comprehensive review.
- NEW! Drug labels for realistic examples and problems.
Additional ISBNs: 0323550193, 0323550215, 9780323550192, 9780323550215
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