It is only recently that the immense economic value of pollination to agriculture has been appreciated. At the same time, the alarming collapse in populations of bees and other pollinators has highlighted the urgency of addressing this issue. This book focuses on the specific measures and practices that the emerging science of pollination ecology is identifying to conserve and promote animal pollinators in agroecosystems. It reviews the expanding knowledge base on pollination services, providing evidence to document the status, trends and importance of pollinators to sustainable agricultural production. It provides practical and specific measures that land managers can undertake to ensure that agroecosystems are supportive and friendly to pollinators. It draws on the Global Pollination Project, supported by UNEP/GEF and implemented by FAO and seven partner countries (Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan and South Africa), which serve to provide “lessons from the field”.
Additional ISBNs: 1138904341, 1138904406, 1315696355, 9781138904347, 9781138904408, 9781315696355
Pollination Services to Agriculture: Sustaining and enhancing a key ecosystem service 1st Edition is written by Barbara Gemmill-Herren and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Pollination Services to Agriculture are 9781317445678, 1317445678 and the print ISBNs are 9781138904408, 1138904406
Pollination Services to Agriculture
$74.95 $18.74
SKU: 9781317445678
Categories: Agriculture, Technology & Engineering
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