Explore the Depths of the Scriptures While You Read Expect understanding! Experience the full meaning of Gods Word. The Expanded Bible has been developed by a respected team of skilled Bible translators to make Gods Word easier to understandand more relevant and real for todays Christianwith innovative expansions in the text itself that exhibit the complete meaning of each passage in its contextwhile you read. Perceive what God is saying in language thats easy to understand Discover the significance of each passage with helpful expansions in the text Comprehend full meaning with alternative, literal, and traditional wordings Understand the Bibles culture and setting with descriptive comments where needed Compare scripture with scripture using key cross-references Add your own expansions and observations in wide margins on every page Part of the Signature Series line of Thomas Nelson Bibles. Contributing scholars: Tremper Longman III, Mark L. Strauss, Daniel Taylor
Additional ISBNs: 9781418549633, 1418549630
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